Richards Twitter Ecke (7)

Über 20.000 Tweets, über eine Million Follower, Richard Dawkins nutzt Twitter mit viel Elan. An dieser Stelle möchten wir regelmäßig einige seiner interessanten, und auch teilweise provokanten, Tweets präsentieren.

Richards Twitter Ecke (7)

Die deutsche Übersetzung liefern wir gleich dazu, da ein Tweet häufig nicht in der prägnanten Kürze des Originals ins Deutsche übertragbar wäre, um auf der Twitter Seite der RDF Deutschland getweetet zu werden.

To say that the murderous attacks by ISIS are inspired by Islam is NOT to say all, or even most, Muslims support them. Isn't that OBVIOUS?

— Richard Dawkins (@RichardDawkins) 26. Juni 2015

Zu sagen, dass die mörderischen Angriffe des IS vom Islam inspiriert wurden, bedeutet nicht zu sagen, dass alle, oder die meisten, Muslime sie befürworten. Ist das nicht offensichtlich?

— Richard Dawkins (@RichardDawkins) 26. Juni 2015
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    Diamond Mcnamara

    Finally and in the wake of countless prayers of His followers The Lord, God the Almighty, the all knowing, all powerful, omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent Creator of the Universe and the planet Earth, the S.S.f.H.A. (Supreme Stickler for Heterosexual Activities) will show Himself to His faithful simultaneously in Rome, Jerusalem, Shanghai, Washington, New Delhi, Tokyo and Al-Qahira on July 31, 2015, at 11:11 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, in the presence of 200,000 people and 333 radio- and TV technicians, He will direct Himself in the 444 major languages of the planet to mankind and He will abduct all earth-bound communication satellites to the effect. All technicians present and all scientists, even the most godless ones, will confirm that such an event cannot be explained by science, nay that such a feat is impossible to achieve by technical means. So at long last all mankind will see , witness and confess that God exists. It was after protracted deliberations with faithful communication experts that the Lord decided to use modern means of communication to spread His message of Love. He had been saddened by the fact that the last round of communication with the h e l p of b u r n i ng bushes had been somewhat f l a w e d because it had basically reached only Europe and the Americas while vast parts of Asia and the Middle East are still dominated by other religions and „gods“. We look forward to this event with great joy and gratitude. Praised be The Lord. 


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